Please join us for the Online Book Discussion
of Final Sin
You can send comments and questions to ChelleCordero@gmail.com before May 29 and I will use some of those to make an entry post by 9AM on that day - then throughout the day I will keep stopping in to answer comments posted on the blog until 7pm.
date: May 29, 2009 09:00AM to 7:00PM (EST)
location: Lindsay's Romantics blog http://lindsaysromantics.blogspot.com/
location: Lindsay's Romantics blog http://lindsaysromantics.blogspot.com/
Meet Julie Jennings, the Paramedic heroine in Final Sin through her Xanga Woman-in-Charge interview at http://tr.im/k2YI
In the meantime, I received a really great review of Final Sin, on Coffee Time Romance http://coffeetimeromance.com/BookReviews/Finalsin.html
And please also join me on Books-With-Heart Blog-Talk-Radio on Wed., 5/20/2009 4:00 PM http://tr.im/ksWi We will be talking about Final Sin and Emergency Medical Services Week.
National EMS Week
Midnight May 17th, 2009 – Midnight May 23rd, 2009
To celebrate the release of Final Sin, an exciting murder suspense with intriguing real-life Emergency Medical Services scenes and storyline, Chelle Cordero and Vanilla Heart Publishing are pleased to announce we will donate $1 per copy sold during launch party week to the Stony Point Ambulance Corps Youth Squad, where youths age 14-18 receive training and experience in the field of Emergency Medical Response, under the direct supervision of highly skilled, professional responders of the Stony Point Ambulance Corps.
To register your purchase of Print or Kindle editions, please email VHPPromoTeam@vanillaheartbooksandauthors.com with your name, email, and the info of your purchase including edition (Kindle or Print), and the last 3 digits of your order number. All Ebook sales are automatically counted by our Ebook Catalog detail counter, so no additional `work' is necessary for Ebook purchases.
Every dollar donated goes to Stony Point Ambulance Corps Youth Squad to help supply training, medical and other supplies, and activities for these dedicated youth…YOU can make a difference!
...and lastly, don't miss the special discounted prices on all VHP fiction ebooks including Final Sin http://tr.im/ksfh all thru May!
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