I can't believe that next week is Chanukah! (Next Thursday, December 10, check out An explanation of Chanukah http://lindsaysromantics.blogspot.com/) Who has had the time (or the money nowadays) to do any holiday shopping?
My 2009 recap as a writer:
This year I have seen the publications of Courage of the Heart, Hostage Heart, Final Sin and A Chaunce of Riches all from Vanilla Heart Publishing.
VHP and I helped raise funds for the Stony Point Ambulance Corps Youth Squad with sales from Final Sin; and we also raised funds for the National Domestic Violence Hotline with sales from Bartlett's Rule. Along with 15 other Vanilla Heart Publishing Authors, I became a part of Operation E-Book Drop to help support coalition forces oversees who are protecting our world.
Some really big news for me -

Final Sin is a 2009 Pushcart Prize Nominee!
...and finally (wait, 2009 isn't over yet!), a little more than half a year ago I launched my Kindle blog workshop Living, Breathing, Writing where I offer weekly writing lessons and prompts all conveniently delivered to your Kindle or PC. So far LBW has been in the TOP 100 Kindle Blogs for 122 days!
Today please check out You’re not an author, you’re my mom « Malcolm's Round Table for a humorous look at my life as a writer;
and also visit today's blog stop tour for my book Virtual Book Tour de 'Net: A Chaunce of Riches by Chelle Cordero
and you still have a few days left to send a holiday greeting card to service members recovering at Walter Reed. Cards should be postmarked no later than Dec. 7.
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
Have a wonderful holiday season!

You are busy enough for several people and accomplishing hundreds of cool things.
I would love to figure out how to add a few hours daily.
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