Hyphema: Bleeding in the eye caused by trauma… Matt Garratti, a paramedic from New York, moves his wife and son to North Carolina to work at his dream job as a flight medic. Pakistani born Sudah, his wife, receives frosty stares and insensitive comments from their new neighbors... Matt wonders if he is pursuing his dream or bringing his family into a nightmare from which they may never wake.
You have three very interesting books.
Interesting premise. Your teaser makes me want to know more about this story.
Saw you at the book fair blogfest. If you're interested I'd love to feature your books on my site – bloggerdise.com
Jesse Cohen
Interesting premise. Found you via the book fair. :)
Join me in the Trick or Treat Spooktacular! Could you help make the Grand Prize a brand new Kindle Touch?
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