Sometimes unexpected events lead to unexpected actions - After Adam doesn't come into work, breaking a lunch date with Davie, she goes looking for him out of concern. He's home, sick with the flu, not answering his phone and in one heck of a foul mood.
It's Davie's nature to want to help - she is left wondering though if she did the right thing...
during the evening, Adam woke to feel a cool rag on his forehead.
You were moaning from the fever." Davie drew the rag across his shoulders
and down his chest. "How are you feeling?"
He groaned. “What time is it?"
o'clock. At least you managed to get some rest." She dampened the rag in a
small bowl she had next to the bed and held it behind his neck.
you for staying." He caught her hand as she ran the rag down an arm.
"Don't leave…"
worry. I'll be here."
had fallen asleep while watching television in the living room after she had
seen that he was resting. His thrashing sounds woke her and at first he seemed
to fight against her touch when she felt his forehead. She had to admit that he
had even scared her a little, his initial reaction to her presence had been
violent and unexpected. It had only been after she tried to cool his forehead
that his sleepy anger turned to moaning.
bring you some aspirin." She went to get the medicine from the bathroom.
he swallowed the aspirin and another dose of cold medication, Adam lightly
touched her hand again. "Davie…would you stay with me…please?"
worry, I'm not leaving."
mean here, next to me." He gently patted the bed.
hesitated a moment. "Okay." After clearing away the bowl with cool
water and returning the aspirin to the cabinet, Davie settled next to him. She
sat with her back against the headboard and her legs stretched out on top of
the bed covers.
put his head in her lap, murmured a thank you and dozed off again. She ran her
fingers through his hair thinking of the independent air he usually had and how
vulnerable he seemed now when he wasn't feeling well. He put an arm around her
as if to make sure she didn't go anywhere. Davie could feel the heat from his
fever and worried because, even though she hadn't taken it with a thermometer,
she knew his fever was much higher than an adult's should be.
she hadn't meant to spend the night, she was glad to be there for him. In the
morning she'd go home to pack her overnight bag for the short trip home. If
Adam still were so feverish, she'd convince him to call his doctor first and
maybe get some antibiotics. She had to get home to her dad.

Courage of the Heart
by Chelle Cordero
COURAGE OF THE HEART shows us that sometimes love is the only cure for the very deepest of emotional wounds. The story of the two lovers takes a series of unexpected and fast paced turns where lives, sanity and love are put in jeopardy. Their commitment to one another results in a spirit that binds them together and helps them to overcome physical and emotional dangers.
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