I’m keeping busy with my blogs, yes I maintain a few, I’d love it if you could take a look and let me know your thoughts…
Please stop on by at The Official Website of Author Chelle Cordero for lots of information about my books, who I am, and links to my non-fiction writing persona
Welcome to Chelle's World
I also maintain an informative blog about strokes — my husband suffered a stroke in 2016 and it has been quite a journey. I hope to help others in the same position wade through some of the difficult spots.
Life Goes On, The Caregiver
I host a site where I post occasional book promos (for other authors),
events, book talk, reviews (sent to me), info and other articles
events, book talk, reviews (sent to me), info and other articles
I used to author an Amazon Kindle blog called Living, Breathing, Writing.
All of the blogs posted to that (now discontinued) Kindle blog are
still available online. I posted weekly “lessons” and writing exercises
to help everyone get their creative juices flowing — please check it out
and get writing today!
All of the blogs posted to that (now discontinued) Kindle blog are
still available online. I posted weekly “lessons” and writing exercises
to help everyone get their creative juices flowing — please check it out
and get writing today!
Living, Breathing, Writing
Finally I host a blog on behalf of my brother (in-law) and our family’s search for a kidney donor for him. Please check it out, get tested and/or become a potential donor (it’s easy to list on your driver’s license), and certainly pass along our plight to all of your family and friends. Thank you so much.
A Kidney For Del Du-Bois
There’s more ways you can follow me and stay in touch,
I’d love to hear from you!
I’d love to hear from you!
WOW! I think that’s it.
Please feel free to send me your comments
Please feel free to send me your comments
Thanks so much for coming by.

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