I've been busy tweaking manuscripts and hoping to submit - hoping even more that my publisher will like them and want to publish them!
My next novel will be a re-release of Courage of the Heart in Jan/Feb 2009 and the heroine, Davie, has a pretty cute dog at her family home - it's a Pomeranian named Gizzy. Gizzy is a real dog and belongs to my friend Michael!
You too can enjoy Gizzy's notoriety if you've read one or more of my novels. All you have to do is leave a comment below telling me which book(s) you read and what you thought of it.
Then leave me your first name (in the comment box) and something about yourself to make a character uniquely YOU (your job, as physical characteristic, a favorite food, a particular habit - you get the idea) Tell me as much as you want - but remember, the world may get to meet you as you appear as a neighbor, a coworker, a chance aquaintance on the street...
If the manuscript you appear in gets accepted, I will be sure to broadcast to the world - and you of course - that you made it into print.
So, comment away... and yes, you have to leave the comment in the box below.
Yay! I’m back!!!!!
1 year ago
I LOVED Barlett's Rule and only wish I could wind up in a relationship with a guy as loving and as understanding as Lon.
So here's the deal: You know me -- my strengths, my foibles, my overall qualities. I'd be so happy if part of me (or all of me) went into shaping one of your next characters! Perhaps you could call your next book:"The Revenge of the Dog & Pony Show." (inside joke).
-- b
You should know some facts about Gizzy as well. He's is very friendly and will walk up to a person to say "Hi" but he is also bossy.. if he really likes you he will bark and demand that you pet him!
The only other two times that he would bark is if he hears a loud noise outside the door.. and he sits quietly in the elevator if anyone else is in it until when it gets to the bottom floor.. then he'll bark at them!
He has to wait until it hits bottom so he has a place to run in case they go to attack back.. he's not stupid!
Then he'll bark when I go to put on his "carry-pouch" because I can't put it on fast enough to suit him!
I'm somewhat the same way.. I am usually sweet but if something sets me off you would not know I was the same person.. except I don't have any carry-pouch issues!
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