Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Read an E-Book Week 2013

Read an Ebook Week
March 3 through March 9

So... have I told you that all of my books are available as e-books? 

Electronic books are full, real books which are readable on computers, tablets and other electronic readers (such as Kindle, Nook, IPad, Smartphones, etc.)

What a NOVEL idea!

I have an e-book reader that isn't much bigger than a paperback novel and certainly much thinner and I have more than 134 books stored on it - it's easy to carry this around during the day. Since I have books to read for enjoyment, reference, self-help guides and more, it's like I always have a library at hand.

There certainly is something to the feel of a real book, the touch of the cover and pages... and there is even something to be said for the smell of a print book, and I am sure there will always be PRINT books I will want to have at hand... BUT I DON'T NEED TO LUG THEM AROUND IN MY PURSE ALL DAY LONG.

E-books are most often more economical for the consumer. For example, list price on the new James Patterson novel, Alex Cross, Run is $28.99, the Kindle price is only $11.99. And Final Sin by Chelle Cordero sells in paperback form for $14.95 but sells in Kindle and other e-book forms for just $4.99.

Such a bargain!

You're worried because you don't have an e-reader? Well, if you are reading this on your computer (desk, laptop or Netbook), then you have an e-reader! 


You can download FREE software that will allow you to read e-books on your computer. Try the NOOK for PC, Kindle reader for the PC, or Adobe PDF reader . There are several more versions of e-readers and converters, just search online to find them. There are also sites like SMASHWORDS that offer many popular e-books in multiple formats.

Welcome to the convenience of e-books!


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