What about family? Family time - family togetherness - simply FAMILY.
Cable companies hawk subscriber packages that permit you to watch different channels (or even the same) on different TVs throughout your home. One fairly recent commercial mocks peace talks and by the end of the ad shows two adolescents watching television programs in two different but neighboring rooms; mom is ecstatic that there are no more quarrels between brother and sister over which program to watch.
Come on people! If the individual TV shows are so very important, the great technology being offered by these same cable stations includes the ability to record a show and watch it later - so take turns who gets to watch now and who gets to watch later.
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By Evert F. Baumgardner [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Finally while I am on this rant, families should be more concerned with spending FAMILY TIME with each other while the children are growing (and hopefully beyond) than keeping busy with the zillion-and-one separate activities and programs parents are so busy chauffeuring their children to. It may be wonderful for a child to play sports but if their parents don't even have the time to sit in the stands to cheer them on the emotional benefits may very well be lacking.
Find activities you can do together (even if it just means providing a cheering section once in a while), things you can share, things you can talk during... Take walks together. Play board games together. Visit museums together. Dine together. Read to each other. Even watch TV together. There is so much you can do TOGETHER and many activities don't require depleting your wallet.
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By George Burns, 1896-1996, Photographer (NARA record: 1340567) (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
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