Hi, I just posted this comment at Lost in a Good Book where Bartlett's Rule has been chosen as a book club discussion in January:
Hi everyone, I am so pleased and excited that Lost in a Good Book is going to be discussing Bartlett's Rule in January - this book, although fiction, deals with a very important contemporary issue and has been the topic of some very lively discussions in local book groups.
For a special treat and thank you for participating, anyone who posts a (hopefully good) review of Bartlett's Rule (on Amazon, B&N, GoodReads, their own blog, etc) and sends me the URL (by Jan 20) to ChelleCordero@gmail.com will get a chance to win an autographed copy of Bartlett's Rule. 

In the meanwhile, you can also go to Which is YOUR favorite book cover? - Win a Book! and leave a comment to get a chance to win an autographed copy of my newest book Courage of the Heart.

Thank you for participating in this online discussion group and thank you to Lost in a Good Book for hosting this.
Purchase Bartlett's Rule and Courage of the Heart (coming in February) from Vanilla Heart Publishers or Amazon.com
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