I am talking about book covers. Book covers attract readers, at least a recent poll I've taken says that 30% of readers pick up a book because of the book cover (40% said they pick up a book because of author name recognition)... You can go to the post before this one to enter your own votes in this poll.
Two of my novels are putting on new faces: Bartlett's Rule, first published by Vanilla Heart Publishing in April 2008 - and Courage of the Heart being re-released by Vanilla Heart Publishing in late January (it was first published by "another press" in 2001)
Bartlett's Rule
Courage of the Heart
About the NEW Bartlett's Rule cover - While the original design got a lot of kudos, some readers told us that they thought a slightly older and more sophisticated couple would better represent Paige and Lon. We listened! And here is the exciting result:
When Courage of the Heart was first published in 2001, the publisher did not provide cover design in our contract - and I did not know how crucial an attractive cover was to book sales. The soon-to-be-released updated Courage of the Heart from Vanilla Heart Publishing was fitted with an intriguing, sexy cover that is sure to catch many eyes! Kimberlee did a terrific job with design to come up with this:
So please everyone -
keep your eyes open for my books...
some bookstores even have them
right on the store shelves
(and if yours doesn't,
ask them WHY NOT?)
You can also order my books online from Amazon.com. Barnes & Noble.com (or go to their IN-Store info desk), or direct from the publisher Vanilla Heart Publishing.

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