Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

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Welcome to a snippet from Within the Law. The protagonist, Tom Hughes, was created in His Lucky Charm (formerly called Forgotten). Tom is cousin to the female main character in HLC. I fell in love with Tom, I think he might be my favorite hero from all of my books. His character and his history was so compelling that I HAD to write his story, one in which he has his own HEA.
This picks up just a few paragraphs after last week's snippet... Tom wavers between his anger at what he feels is Alli's duplicity and his attraction to her. Finally his anger wins out and he storms out of the diner in anger. BTW, Cat is his cousin, the heroine from His Lucky Charm. (Sorry, I went 9 sentences this week)
This picks up just a few paragraphs after last week's snippet... Tom wavers between his anger at what he feels is Alli's duplicity and his attraction to her. Finally his anger wins out and he storms out of the diner in anger. BTW, Cat is his cousin, the heroine from His Lucky Charm. (Sorry, I went 9 sentences this week)
Years ago, his mother had said to him that Joyce had died, he
didn’t. He felt like giving up on life back then; Tom didn’t want to leave
the house or see his friends, it was just too painful. The only one he ever let
close to him was Cat, he didn’t want to talk to anyone else; he just wanted to
build a wall around himself and keep the outside world away. It hurt to admit
it, but his mother was right, it had taken some coercing and the help of a few
friends pushing him, but he’d dated since then and even had a few very
satisfying relationships. He didn’t feel like he was cheating on Joyce, he was
just trying to live.
He briefly had thought about showing up on Alli’s doorstep
sometime just to see where things might go, when he had left her apartment last
night, he was amazed at how many of his senses felt alive again, but, after
“Tom,” he stopped and let her catch up to him, “if we had met under
different circumstances, do you...”
He took her in his arms and kissed her, she kissed him back
without hesitation. Finally, they stepped apart, “Does that answer your question?”
Tom gave up on ever falling in love again the day that he buried his high school sweetheart and fiancé. He started a career in law enforcement just so that he could find her murderer and rapist. Just when he is about to see justice done, he meets Alli Davis-the defense attorney for the murdering rapist who took his love from him.
At last. Do we see real romance after all this time? Let's find out more next week . I can't wait.
I'd still like to know how the trial went.
Well all RIGHT. I approve of his actions! Enjoyed the snippet very much.
homecomingbook, the trial is still going on - but I will say A LOT will happen.
Veronica, I kind of thought he answered that question nicely ;)
Charmaine, there is a reason that Tom is my favorite hero - he is very romantic.
He gave her the PERFECT answer. :-)
Yeah Teresa, I thought so too.
Building a wall makes some sense, but it isn't any way to live. Good thing he's...ahem... warming up to people.
So far so good about forgetting the circumstances.
Wow! How on earth are you going to get them over this HUGE obstacle? Another emotional scene. Well done.
tinachristopherauthor, they are going to have to earn to separate their roles... somehow.
Linda, don't know if they have to forget the circumstances... or if something will happen to make the circumstances irrelevant?
caitlinsternwrites, yes obviously Alli is getting under Tom's skin. Poor guy, he really is torn apart by his emotions.
Gotta agree--Perfect answer! :)
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