Thank you for visiting my author blog, the 8th stop on the 1RomanceEbooks.com one year anniversary blog tour! Your last stop should have been erotic romance author Marilyn Lee at http://marilynlee.blogspot.com/. Please read through to the end to learn how you can win prizes just for following (and commenting) on posts during this blog tour.
I am a writer. When folks ask me what I write I usually respond “anything someone will buy” – I get mixed reactions. Most often I am greeted with a chuckle and “no really, what do you write?”
I tell people that I have two writing lives, both under the name Chelle Cordero. I’ve been writing newspaper and magazine articles for decades: business profiles, human interest, advertorial, opinion pieces, and I’ve covered community events and such. About the point that I have nearly lost their interest, I let them know that I also have several novels (romantic suspense and murder mystery) – that’s when their eyes tend to light up.
While my passion is fiction, I really do enjoy all of my writing. I am one of those lucky few who has a true dream job – if I never retire, I have a job I will always love doing. I still get a thrill when I see my name on the spine of a book or as a byline in a newspaper or magazine.
I am amused by the variety of reactions I get about the different writing that I do… regarding romantic fiction, “Oh I never read that stuff”; articles in the local newspaper, “Wouldn’t you rather write a book?”; if I mention ad copy I’ve been told “oh so you don’t really write”; and when I mention small press publisher Vanilla Heart Publishing, there are those that snub their noses because it’s not one of the bigger NY houses.
Too many people are stymied by the reactions they get from others. I’ve conducted several writing workshops and at almost each one I hear comments from new writers that they are frightened by the possible reactions of the people around them. Sometimes this fear is enough to keep them from fulfilling their dreams. I understand their vulnerability, but I’m also frustrated by the fear that prevents them from writing.
If you want to write ( or sing, draw, or paint) don’t let anyone stop you. Write because you love using words, write because you want to make people think, believe, and even live vicariously. Writers and artists expose themselves with every piece of work – but it’s worth it for that one byline, just one acknowledgment of your creativity. You will never find that everyone becomes a fan so don’t be paralyzed by a negative reaction.
Just write – and tomorrow, write again.
One LUCKY reader will win the grand prize from 1RomanceEbooks:
a Sony E-reader
(click here for directions – you must register)
The blog tour goes until July 31. One lucky commenter on THIS post during the tour will win a .pdf copy of my romantic-suspense novel
Common Bond, Tangled Hearts.
Your next stop on the tour (tomorrow, Monday July 19) is
Lena Austin at http://depravedduchess.blogspot.com
Lena Austin at http://depravedduchess.blogspot.com
I couldn't agree with you more about the comments that I hear from either writers who are ashamed to tell what kind of stories they write or from aspiring writers who let other's possible opinions get in the way of their possible success. Congratulations on all of your writting and not being ashamed to say what you do.
My participant #4394.
I think you're absolutely right that if one wants to write, one should write. But I think it's also really odd that so many people assume that writing can't be an amateur hobby, something one does just because they love it, without trying to get published.
Fanfiction writer (and blog tour member) #2564
I agree as well. I do photography not for anyone but me and if I sell a few all's the better!
Blog participant #7975
I read an author's blog several months ago and she was talking about how she constantly had to change the way she wrote to keep up with what she thought readers wanted to read. First I can't imagine the time and energy you need jut to write what you love but then to write under the pressure of trying to please everyone.....I bet that's not easy or fun!
I agree, when you find something you love just do it, there will always be critics out there but when you really love doing something it shows in your work! :)
blog participant #2919
I don't find it to be just the arts; many people are too concerned about what the neighbors or coworkers might think about who they love or how they live their lives. Gossips and naysayers are a personality type always happy to steal happiness and power from others. We have to make a conscious decision to step away from them and be careful not to become them.
Sorry, I was thinking so hard about your post that I forgot to add my number. lol
I totally agree with you. My mom always asks me why I don't write romance books instead of reading them. lol. I prefer to read them rather than to write them. lol. Blog participation # is 8038.
Excellent post. I am not a writer but my middle son can write anything. He isn't going in that direction right now for a career. He's a bio major studying genes/stem cells right now. But I'm going to pass your post on to him :). Thank you. I'm 8060.
As long as you're doing what you love, there shouldn't be any labels. Don't live according to someone else's rules.
Blog participant #228
Your books sound good. Tour #1550
Everyone has to start somewhere. Not everyone can start at the top.
Participant #268
This was a great post and one that relates to so many different people. Reading this was a good way to start the week and really focus on my goals.
Blog Tour #2291
To be lucky enough to do somthing that you love that brings joy to others, is truly a gift.
blog participant #7923
What and inspiring post!!
I think your totally right about that, Only you can bring yourself down.
Participant # 311
Finding our Passions and following them yield some of life's greatest rewards. Worrying about what other people think and trying to please everyone use up precious creative energy and time.
I am passionate about Romance. I have a romance website where I invite romance authors, poets, "regular" folk and other romantics (and those who think they don't have a romantic bone in their body!)to share and learn more about creating more romance in their lives. I believe that Life Can Be a Honeymoon and strive to Walk my Talk.
I have just completed the first draft of my first chapter in my first romance novel!
Never thought about it like that but I have to agree. Very interesting. :-)
Larena (#294)
Hi Chelle,
I agree with you 100%! If people truly want to call themselves writers, and pursue it, then they definitely should be writing for themselves...and hopefully have a message within their writing.
Don't worry about people's reactions...just do what you do!
Blog Tour Participant #6700
I loved your blog on writing! As long as your audience enjoys it, and you enjoy what you do, you should take pride in what you do. I just write little peices to put in our condo newsletter, but our funny little community gets a kick out of them, and I have fun writing them. Who's to judge if both sides enjoy?
Chelle, I'm not in for a book just to wish you luck with your dual careers in writing. Janet
I really loved what you said about not letting fear stop you from following your passion, no matter what it might be. I couldn't agree more. If you have a passion, do it for you because you love it. Don't worry about what others say.
You are very lucky that you not only get to follow your passions, but make a living at it!
I forgot to leave my participant number!
Tour Member (Participant Number) #5002
Thanks again! Off to surf your website!
Your books sound great,can't wait to read some day, but you are right about doing what you love. Thanks for those great words.
Blog participant #8019
I never really thought that writers would get the same reaction that readers do. Whenever I tell most people that I read romance novels, I see them rolling their eyes at me and instantly judging me; I've been reading romance novels since junior high. People shouldn't feel ashamed about what they read, write, draw, paint, create.
Participant #695
Hi Chelle Cordero! That's actually my son's first name :-). My mom was a fan of One Live to Live! I think it's great that you are so versatile. I haven't read many romance mysteries, but I'm open to it as long as it's romance. I don't really get caught up in what publishing house it comes from, if it's an author that I like - I read it. I look forward to reading some of your work.
Blog Tour Member #7988
Chelle - thank you for your words of encouraging wisdom! I kinda needed to hear some of that tonight, as it has been a rough few months. Much success to your future endevors - and again, thanks for the pep talk. You will never know how much I apprechiated it...George #7991
What a great post:) This can relate to alot of different people in all walks of life. Very encouraging!
Blog Tour Participant # 8153
Hi its still the 18th were I'm at so I hope it shows. I think that you should write whatever you want as long as it makes you happy!!!
# 6997
Write what makes you happy. End of story. :)
Nicole.Zoltack AT gmail.com
That is a great post. Love that last line of advice. Works for just about anyone no matter what you do. I craft. Replace the word write with craft and it is just as pertinent to me as to an aspiring writer.
I enjoyed reading the different reactions you get based on what you tell people you write. How biased or snobish people seem to be about what should be read. I find it interesting when I get this reaction when I ask them what they last read and when. I'm just happy to find people reading.
Hi Chelle,
Periodical articles are a wonderful way to hone your writing skills and learn economy of words. Great method to propel your name to many readers as well.
Love your outlook on creative pursuits.
Write (or draw, paint, sing)On!!
Christine London
Participant #7683
Hallöchen Chelle,
how lucky you could turn your passion into your profession.
Thank you for the motivating article on your blog. I enjoy writing very much and would love to create some fiction but I'm lacking the ideas - and sometimes the stamina. I do use every chance I get to write - letters to parents, little educational stories for kids (I work in childcare btw), blogs... I probably annoy people sometimes with my long blog post ;-) - but I don't really care, I enjoy doing it and am proud when I finished an article on a subject-matter of interest to me, got my point across and put some good sentences together (well I think I did, don't always know since English is not my first language).
I can only encourage people to take your advice, they'll be all the happier for it.
All the best
I love how you encourage people to do what they love. I am very much into the arts - music(playing and singing), drawing and writing. Granted those are just hobbies for me, but you never know what might happen someday.
Blog Participant #2197
What a great post! As I am a reader and not a writer, I give so much credit to anyone that can write!! And I think that no matter what is written it deserves pride and praise!
Have a sunny summer everyone!!
My number is 7936.
If something make you happy then do it.
Too many people worry about what others think that they never try doing what they enjoy.If you love what you do enjoy it!
Gabrielle #8226
Great post. I say don't let anything stand in the way of your dreams.
Participant #8250
I think if you're doing what you love no matter what it is you're doing the right thing. A writer should write for themselves first.
Thanks for participating in the tour.
Carol L.
participant # 6916
Great post. That imaginary everyone can hinder us in so many ways.
Ooopsy! My # is 8247
as a hopeful writer I really appreciate this post. There are lots of fears and anxiety when writing a novel that you really poored your heart into and wondering if anyone will like it so thanks for the encouragement.
I feel about writing sort of the same way I do about reading: I don't care what someone writes, as long as they're doing it!
I'm #8331
Great advice, continue to enjoy what you do and others will, too.
Mary M.
Glad you are doing what you like
Mark E
Hi all, so happy that you stopped by my blog and left comments. I've gone by several of the other blogs ad really enjoyed all that they have had to say. Hope you've gotten to them as well.
On August 1 I will choose one of the commenters on THIS blog as a winner of a PDF copy of my romantic-suspense novel Common Bond, Tangled Hearts.
Thanks all,
What a motivating post. You're right. Writing is writing no matter what form it takes.
Thank you for the encouraging words to write, write, write. Even if you don't get published you will have lots of your life in your writings.
You're such an inspiration! What a great post!
Creative souls should never allow negative comments to stifle them in any way. Just keep at it and believe in yourself!
Thanks again, Chelle! You're fantastic :-)
If it wasn't for brilliant people such as yourself,wanting trying and being published, I wouldn't have anything to read...! That would be most devastating.
Tanya #4335
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