Chelle Cordero and Vanilla Heart Publishing are donating 25% of publisher proceeds on sales of Hostage Heart to aid recovery and cleanup efforts of damages to Breton National Wildlife Refuge caused by Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster…
through June 8, 2010
in any format – Print, Ebook, and Kindle
Chelle Cordero, author of eight romantic suspense novels and a thriller murder mystery, and Vanilla Heart Publishing, are sponsoring a month-long promotion to benefit clean up and conservation efforts resulting from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
Chelle’s romantic suspense, Hostage Heart, published by Vanilla Heart Publishing in July, 2009, is a suspenseful romance deeply rooted in the Louisiana delta, and Chelle and VHP will be donating to a local Louisiana organization involved in the recovery and cleanup of the Chandeleur Islands, barrier islands that are part of the Breton National Wildlife Refuge, teeming with birds, marine life, and plant life that will be affected by the oil slick, tarballs, and more from the oil spill.
The Breton refuge is an important breeding and nesting area for many endangered and threatened bird species. “Oiled birds, including a gannet and brown pelicans, Louisiana's state bird, have been found on the islands,” said Jeff Dauzat of the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
Hostage Heart by Chelle Cordero
Life was hard after the hurricanes swept through, destroying her parents' home and livelihood...Deanna did the only thing she could do. She moved to New York City, found a job, worked hard, scrimped and saved to send what little she could manage back home to Louisiana to her parents.
An errand for her boss - a chance encounter with a crew of bank robbers - a kind man who tried to help her and deserved her courageous help in return...
But he wasn't the man she thought he was...no, he was so very much more!
I enjoyed reading Hostage Heart. It is a well written story with characters that are realistic. … it certainly kept me turning pages to find out what would happen next. The descriptions of Louisiana, and Deanna’s Cajun heritage were obviously well researched and gave the book a great ethnic flavor. I especially liked the parts about Deanna’s grandmother. For those who love to read about sexy FBI agents saving damsels in distress, this book is definitely for you!
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More