…a humorous (semi) fictional tale
Dear Diary,
It’s been a few weeks since I found shelter.
I was beginning to give up hope, there were too many times
that I had to burrow through that white icy stuff. Finally I found a haven, it
took a while but I eventually thawed out. But it was time to go out and explore
this new world that I found refuge in. And I had to forage for some food, there
were only so many bugs my palate could tolerate.
So I cautiously ventured out and it was TERRIFYING. I
encountered two huge hairy monsters. Unaware of the danger they posed, I fell
victim to one of them — he grabbed me with his mouth using his sharp teeth, I could
smell his fetid breath as I dangled in fear of my life. Suddenly we were facing
a second monster, his eyes fastened on my swinging body. The first monster wasn’t
going to give me up and he took off in a fast gallop and I jerked violently
side to side. He got far away from the other monster and dropped me penned into
a corner and as he batted at me I was sure I was going to be ripped to pieces.
I was desperate and I darted to the side and managed to
allude him, I ran for my life only to come face-to-face with the other monster.
I thought quickly, there were places to hide and I quickly lunged under something
big and shiny nearby. Both monsters ran after me trying to reach me with their
sharp talons. I pinned myself to the back wall as far out of their reach as
possible. The monsters began keening, a sick and high pitched wail, it hurt my
ears. Their cries for support, for help, were soon answered.
She was a giant with fuzzy feet and some kind of radio
transmitters on her head. That big object was obviously too big for her to move
and she left for a moment. While the monsters stood watching me to make sure I
couldn’t escape, the giant came back with a light that she shined into my eyes
nearly blinding me and a metal claw in her hand. She tried and nearly succeeded
in grabbing my body with her claw, but although I felt the cold metal brush me,
she didn’t manage to grab me to pull me towards her. She finally gave up and
left me to the watchful glowing eyes of the two monsters.
It was finally daylight when one of the monsters left and the
remaining one seemed to close his eyes. I ran, but the monster guarding me woke
and leapt after me. I darted under something else, but not before I saw the second
monster returning followed by a bigger giant who walked with three legs, one of
them was a long narrow stick that he seemed able to detach from his body.
Unlike the woman giant his head was shiny, maybe a solar panel that fueled his
energy now that the sun had come up? He bent before the object and stuck that
long stick leg under it and chased me from side to side. I managed to jump over
the stick leg and found an opening away from where the giant and the two
monsters were crouching.
I escaped and ran back to my camp, far from their sharp
talons, metal claws and long stick legs. I’ll have to settle for eating a few
more bugs for now, but I am safe. It will be a while before I venture out
Dear Diary,
Yay, Mommy bought us a new toy and I found it first. My
brother wanted to play with it but I ran all the way into my room with it.
Man, it moves so fast. I couldn’t even see where it got wound
up. I couldn’t catch it and neither could my brother. It got stuck under the
big chug-chug machine where Mommy throws dirty laundry and I guess the wind up
ran out because we couldn’t get it out. Even Mommy tried.
Someone must have found a way to wind it up again. I dozed
for just a few moments and it whizzed right past me. I ran after my new toy,
and my brother and my Daddy came into the room from the other side. Dang it,
the toy changed direction and went right under Daddy’s chair. We were trying to
reach it when it whizzed out the other side and right into the kitchen.
Now it’s stuck behind that big thing in the kitchen where
Mommy keeps the food. Maybe it will come out again.
Mark, there’s a mouse in the house!
The Survivor |
The Monsters |