Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog Hop - Friday, January 13th

The first Friday the 13th of 2012 is
“Blame Someone Else Day”
It's the one day of the year we don't have to take ownership
of the things that go wrong - what a great day this is!!!!

Go in late to work - it's okay, your alarm clock didn't go off...

Pay a bill late - hey, the check is in the mail, blame the post office...

Burnt dinner - Not my fault, you didn't make dinner reservations at the restaurant...

No homework - dog ate it, even if you had to borrow your neighbor's dog...

Whatever you want today, "NOT ME" did it


What I did do is write a few books and get together with some terrific writers to give you the chance to visit some blogs, hear about some terrific authors and possibly win some great prizes.

Please take a look at my blog and a few of the entries below - and then hop on over to Jocelyn Vaughn's site...

At this end of this blog hop, you'll have a chance to enter for a terrific grand prize - so be sure to hop on every spot!
if you comment below, you might win a .pdf ebook copy from my backlist

and please, come on back to visit now and then


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol, it can be kind of handy to have a day to blame someone else--I could eat that chocolate cake and blame the cat! ;)

Anonymous said...

Cute blog.

JeanMP said...

Will since the poor dog always gets the blame for everything, today sure isn't going to be his day.

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Sylvia Ney said...

Great to meet a another writer. I like your blog and look forward to reading more from you.


Betty said...

I blame my parents for having me in 1962 so my 50th birthday would fall on Fri the 13th!! LOL

Melinda said...

Great post, Chelle! It's always nice to have a blame-free day.

Bron said...

Pink is my favorite color. Great prize too - thank you

June M. said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I like the idea of being able to blame something else, lol.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Savannah said...

Great post! Thanks for the chance to win, if I don't win I can blame my computer ;)!!

Michelle Bledsoe said...

I will blame everything on Blog Hops today...LOL
There are at least 2 going on that I know of.

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Linda Henderson said...

I always take this day as a I don't blame anyone day. Have a great Friday the 13th.

seriousreader at live dot com

Krysykat said...

Who doesn't love blaming things on someone else :)


Anonymous said...

Cute blog. I am really enjoying this blog hop.

Unknown said...


Gena Robertson said...

Chuckled all the way through your post!! So happy that you participated in this hop and that I'm finding so many new to me authors =)

GFC follower robertsongena

Gena Robertson

VampedChik said...

It's nice to try and use those excuses LOL I wish they would work for my boss! Thanks for sharing!

Charlene A. Wilson said...

Hi Chelle great to meet you! I'm going with the "not me"s. Lol.

Anonymous said...

there are 3 Friday 13ths this year and all are 13 weeks apart!

SusieQ_too said...

Am enjoying this hop a great deal...lots of exciting new authors/books to check out!

Unknown said...


Thank you so very much for commenting and being a part of the hop.

Caffey said...

I love this 'blame' day! We should have more of them, LOL

So great to be doing this blog hop. I love to meet and read new authors and you included! Thanks!~

cathiecaffey @

Sherry said...

I love being able to not take the blame for what I've done.
strodesherry4 at gmail dot com