The story continues...
Annie's Karma,
the sequel to Karma Visited,
is available!
Simultaneous Release!
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Annie’s Karma by Chelle Cordero
Annie Furman moves on from her past and into her future with Undersheriff Dave Turner. Her gifts – or are they her curse? – grow stronger, and she finds out that she is not alone in the realm of astral travel. Dave saved her life, now she has to fight another ‘traveler’ to save Dave… if she survives.
Annie’s Karma Sneak Peek Video

Annie’s Karma is a super followup novel to Karma Visited. I was intrigued by many things that evolved and expanded throughout the book, not the least of which is the incredibly detailed (although fictional, I must guess) accounts of astral travel, alongside the thriller aspects of the story.~ Karen Mayes, Beta Reader

Annie’s Karma
by Chelle Cordero
Grab your copy today!


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