Imagine my joy when I was told that I was
selected as one of the featured authors in the first ever
produced by The Authors Show
~Chelle Cordero

From The Authors Show Website…
Hundreds of thousands of books are written and published every year. Each represents months, years - perhaps decades of arduous effort on the part of the author of that book. Though nearly all of these authors hope to achieve success, how that success is defined is specific to every individual writer.
"50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading" offers the stories of fifty such authors. As guests of The Authors Show, they have willingly bared their writer's souls to the world. Here you will find amazing stories of success and dismal tales of failure. You will hear narratives of dreams achieved and stories of hopes dashed. Above all you will hear, from the mouths of these writers, what it means to become a successful author.
Whether you are just starting down the path to becoming a published author or have been a writer for many years, you will find much of interest here. Though it may not appear to be so, the fifty people within were not chosen because they demonstrated extraordinary writing skill, used well crafted phrases or achieved phenomenal sales. Instead the people within were chosen for their ability to verbalize their deep love for their craft, for the inspirational ideas they offer and, in some cases, for the sheer determination that caused them to become one of
50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading.
50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading.
50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading
Art Adkins
Greg Allen
Billy Arcement
Beatrice Toney Bailey
Shobhan Bantwal
Jef Benedetti
Michelle Bersell
Rowena Cherry
Vera Jane Cook
Glen Copple
Chelle Cordero
Sandy Cropsey
Dane Cunningham
Aisha Curry
Christy Tillery French
Gene Garrison
Dennis Gelbaum
Kenneth Golde
Madeleine Herrman
Jessica James
Ken Jensen
Carl Jenks
Chloe Jon Paul
Mark David Gerson
J. Y. Jones
Sandra Bell Kirchman
Michael Kleiner
Jeff Knott
Mabel Leo
Sandy Lo
Alex Marcoux
Nancy Mehagian
John Meacham
Erica Miner
Ric Morgan
Robert Mottram
Carmen Navarro Talavera
Darden North, MD
Derek Randel
Alice Rene
Mary Paulson
Steven Rigolosi
Michael Rushnak
Frank Say
Paula Davies Scimeca
Debra Solice
Lois Stern
Janet Smith Warfield
Linda S. Thompson
Patricia Weber
L. Diane Wolfe
Traci Hall
Congrats again, sweetie! I am so happy for you! You deserve this!! :)
Thanks Lauren!
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