Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior round. Every week writers post 8 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.

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Welcome to a snippet from Courage of the Heart. Courage of the Heart was originally published by Xlibris in 1999 (BEFORE they went full vanity press) - with no real marketing efforts from the publisher and before I knew much about the subject, it didn't do very well. However it was revised slightly and republished by Vanilla Heart Publishing in 2009 and has enjoyed a healthier reception.
Adam and Davie have reached a point of amicability and it makes working together a little easier. They are both still attracted to each other. Will they ever move beyond mere friendship into the kind of relationship they both really want?
Adam and Davie have reached a point of amicability and it makes working together a little easier. They are both still attracted to each other. Will they ever move beyond mere friendship into the kind of relationship they both really want?
As far as Davie was concerned, it was obvious
that their relationship had no future anyway. There was nowhere for them to go
as a couple, especially since she was relatively inexperienced in physical love;
Adam's position on commitment, or lack of, was well known throughout the company.
She did enjoy spending time with him though.
He had a gentle, vulnerable side that reached out
to her as a woman. He had a rakish-quality that titillated her even if their physical
relationship never went any further. His interest in her made her feel
desirable even if, unfortunately, not enough to him. Even if it was only a
fantasy, Davie wanted to be with him.
For more WeWriWa snippets, go to www.wewriwa.com
Sometimes love is the only cure for the very deepest of emotional wounds. The story of the two lovers takes a series of unexpected and fast paced turns where lives, sanity and love are put in jeopardy. Their commitment to one another results in a spirit that binds them together and helps them to overcome physical and emotional dangers.
Here is how I would cast
Courage of the Heart
Davie Prescott would be played by Anna Belknap
Adam Sherman would be played by Brandon Beemer
Can you see these actors as Davie and Adam?
Can you see these actors as Davie and Adam?
Nice snippet.
One can identify with the attraction and longing. Nice snippet.
You captured her desire nicely here. :)
Sometimes it does take a lot of courage to act on a crush like that. Nice snippet.
Now I want to listen in as they talk and get to know each other. Lovely inner thoughts, Chelle. She's sorting out feelings.
I definitely want to keep reading this story and i'm pulling for them to get together but then he has to be able to handle her fragility. Great excerpt!
Are the snippets from this one in order?
She doesn't want to get involved with someone who can break her heart--I can relate. It's best to know what you want in a relationship... But I hope he can change enough, and so can she!
I already feel bad for her. Emotionally, she's already in so deep! This really sucks in the readers. :-)
Thanks all for your wonderful comments, you;ve really allowed me to see these characters through other eyes and it helps.
And yes Homecoming, these snippets are in chronological order.
Oh, she's got it bad for him. We'll see if he's as shallow as she thinks. Maybe her poor self concept is the problem? Nice excerpt.
That's a great line to end with. Can't help feeling for her; she's in a tough spot. Nice job with this.
It'll be interesting to see where this goes. Maybe he isn't what he seems?
I wonder if the physical is as important for him as she thinks.
Without giving any spoilers, Davie will learn that Adam's alleged callousness, etc, is indeed an act and she will learn why.
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