Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday round. Every week writers post 8-to-10 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.
I'm sharing snippets from HYPHEMA, my second EMS novel. The hero in HYPHEMA was first introduced in Final Sin as the heroine's ambulance partner and best friend.
Matt Garratti, a paramedic from New York, moves his wife and son to North Carolina to work at his dream job as a flight medic. Pakistani born Sudah, his wife, receives frosty stares and insensitive comments from their new neighbors… Matt wonders if he is pursuing his dream or bringing his family into a nightmare from which they may never wake.
Matt told Sudah about the plans to get together with some of his new co-workers and their wives. Sudah is unsure as to how people will respond to her because she is a Muslim immigrant. It seems that she is more sensitive to the stares she's gotten from some strangers in their new community than she has let on in the past.
Creative editing (a.k.a. condensed to fit) alert!
“Do you think your friends will like me?”
Matt chuckled, “Are you really worried, baby, how can they
not like you?”
“It is one thing to ignore stares from strangers, but these
are people you know, I do not wish to embarrass you,” Sudah adjusted her scarf.
“You could never embarrass me,” he stopped her and turned her
to face him, “you’re beautiful and you are the best person I know.”
“I wear a scarf.”
“I am a Muslim, I am not an American yet,” she looked down,
“I do not want to cause trouble for you.”
For more WeWriWa Snippets, go to:
A Non-Stop Thriller that Will Leave You Longing for More by Tracy Riva
Nobody Writes It Better by Charmaine Gordon

Runs close to real life.
Sadly, I think she's being more realistic than he is...but I'd love to be proven wrong! Interesting snippet...
So sad that she has to feel this way. I hope hope this won't be the case with his friends.
I hope they're as accepting when they meet her as they were when they learned about her.
Poor thing, you should never be judged by what you wear or what you look like etc. Hope they are excepting of her.
After everything going on this past week, my heart goes out to Sudah for those thoughts.
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