Hi! Welcome to another Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday round. Every week writers post 8-to-10 sentences on their blogs from a published or unpublished book. Then we "hop" around and leave comments on each other's snippets. Whether our work is already published or in progress, the helpful comments help us become stronger writers on our next WIP. We welcome EVERYONE's comments.
I'm sharing snippets from HYPHEMA, my second EMS novel. The hero in HYPHEMA was first introduced in Final Sin as the heroine's ambulance partner and best friend.
Matt Garratti, a paramedic from New York, moves his wife and son to North Carolina to work at his dream job as a flight medic. Pakistani born Sudah, his wife, receives frosty stares and insensitive comments from their new neighbors… Matt wonders if he is pursuing his dream or bringing his family into a nightmare from which they may never wake.
In the last excerpt I posted from Hyphema one of the wives (Donna) verbally attacked Sudah for her Muslim/Pakistani heritage. The other wives were supportive of Sudah. In this excerpt Donna's husband, Frankie, approaches Matt at work and apologizes for his wife's comments. Matt is surprised since Sudah never said anything.
Creative editing (a.k.a. condensed to fit) alert!
“I heard that Donna gave your wife a hard time about her
being a Muslim and all, I wanted to apologize. Laurie told Tony that Sudah
handled it real well, I just want you to know I don’t have any problems
with your wife.”
Matt could see the sincerity in his eyes, “good to know.”
“So how did you wind up with a girl from over there anyway?”
Matt let Frankie follow him into the crew room before he
answered, “Sudah enrolled in a college program in New York, I sometimes helped
out with the paramedic program there, we met one day in the hallway and I knew
that I loved her right away.”
“So she’s not a citizen, right?”
“Not yet,” Frankie handed Matt a cup of coffee and they sat
at the table, “she’s working on it but it takes several years.”
Frankie took a long swallow from his coffee, “it’s just that
it’s odd to see foreigners around here…”
“You know we all started out as foreigners somewhere in our
families,” Matt bristled a bit.
“Hey, no offense. I just didn’t know if you guys are prepared
for some of the shit that can go on down here.”
A Non-Stop Thriller that Will Leave You Longing for More by Tracy Riva
Nobody Writes It Better by Charmaine Gordon
I would read another one of her stories by Marcia
Happy Holidays!

Just got good news from my publisher, she said OKAY to a manuscript I just submitted, it's a sequel to my book Karma Visited and I am soooo excited.
I believe the sequel, tentatively titled Annie's Karma will be available
mid to late January 2017 ~ I'll keep y'all posted!
mid to late January 2017 ~ I'll keep y'all posted!
In the meanwhile, a bunch of Vanilla Heart Publishing authors got together to create a collection of holiday oriented stories and it is FREE to download from
Noisetrade and Smashwords
Noisetrade and Smashwords
’Tis the Season for Cocoa and Reading: Holiday Stories and More is a collection of short stories by Vanilla Heart Publishing Authors Tamara Philip, Chelle Cordero, Malcolm R. Campbell, Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard, Neva Squires-Rodriguez, Charmaine Gordon, and Lauren Shiro.
That Christmas
Feeling - Tamara Philip
A Date With Mistletoe
- Chelle Cordero
Jock Stewart’s
Holiday Hilarity - Malcolm R. Campbell
Dead for a Night -
Gwendolyn Jensen-Woodard
Esperanza-The Holiday
that Wasn’t - Neva Squires-Rodriguez
Surprise in August -
Charmaine Gordon
The Gift - Lauren
I guess this is a friendly warning.
I'm glad he came forward to give his welcome and the warning. It's sad to think they would have to be warned.
Nice of him to give him a head's up.
I think Matt needs this warning because he seems sadly naive to me. It's nice that he sees the world as such a good place but he probably needs a bit more caution in these times. Interesting excerpt!
This is an interesting passage, especially in that it could be interpreted in more than one way. Is is really a friendly warning, as it seems, or is it a veiled threat? Future events will decide this, I guess. In any case, this is a VERY timely topic, considering the current state of the States.
“You know we all started out as foreigners somewhere in our families,” - so true! People sometimes forget :-)
Really like the background of the story.
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